2011 was the year that:
1. My long distance relationship turned into a live-5-minutes-down-the-street-relationship
2. I saw the Canadian border
3. Drove aross 7 states in two days
4. Saw Niagara Falls
5. Saw Boyfriend graduate
7. Got a new car (pictures to come!)
8. learned Spanish
9. Visited Graceland
10. Went to the Andy Warhol's grave
Its been an AMAZING year and I cannot wait to see where 2012 takes me and where it will take this little blog. I hope that you will continue to visit, even though my posts may not come as often, and see where nursing school takes me!
Hello 2012!!!
2012 Resolutions:
1. Keep things clean and organized
2. Drink less Diet Coke
3. Exercise 3 times a week
4. Make all As in my nursing classes
What are your resolutions?