Friday, September 30, 2011


Happy Friday!!
I have spent the day running errands... which it seems like thats all I do lately. 
I did go by Bath and Body Works and got an "Autumn" flavored candle to help get me in to the holiday spirit, since tomorrow is OCTOBER!! already! Where has the time gone? 
Yes, I know that it is not technically any holiday season. But according to me October 1 to January 2 is the holiday season. Its my absolutely favorite time of year. I just need to move somewhere that has appropriate weather.
I am very excited for this weekend. My long lost little sister M is coming home from college for the weekend! We are also celebrating two of my cousins birthdays, one party involves a luau and the other involves a bouncy house. You just cant go wrong with bouncy houses ;)

These pictures are actually from what I wore on Tuesday. 
I cleaned all day and continued to unpack.
 (hence the sunglasses inside to cover up my nomakeup) 
Tuesday was also the day that I discovered Breaking Bad. 
My goodness that is the best show. Its really really weird. and ironically funny, but I cant get enough of it. Its about a guy who turns 50, finds out he has lung cancer and decides to start making crystal meth. The dad from Malcom in the Middle is in it. 
Its genius.

What I wore:
Top: Old Navy
Shorts: F21
Sunglasses: F21
Earrings: F21
Belt: F21

I finally got this put together in my new room!!! 
My jewlery = art
I just need to find a frame for it

Thursday, September 29, 2011


This is what I wish I had the money to buy. Unfortunately I dont...
And while I want to pretend/lie and say that I was able to hold true to my no shopping for a month, I failed....
It sucks. I was at the mall yesterday with my sister, and bought something...
I know I should be put in blogger jail.
But I got 4 basic Ts. Well technically 1 long sleeve, 1 T and 2 tanks. All in a simialr mustard/camel color scheme. I didnt spent much. It was at F21. and I think it was one of the best desicions I ever made. I can add these shirts to almost everything I already own, and it really up dates the look. So Im not sorry. At least I lasted 3 weeks!
Here are some looks that I wish I could be wearing this fall... If only I had a never ending budget.
Camel, Mustard, Burnt Orange and Wine are HUGE looks this fall and I cannot get enough of them. They are A.MAZ.ING.

Getting To Know You:

What Im Wearing:
Top: Targer
Shorts: F21
Necklace & Sunglasses: F21

Thirteen Things About ME:
(because I couldnt decide on ten)

1. I just got accepted into nursing school
2. I work at a hospital as a nurses aide, on the night shift - very fun.
3. I have a twin sister, a younger sister, and a younger brother and sister who are 4 years old and twins. making a total of 3 sisters and 1 brother. Living with two 4 year olds is so much fun.
4. My boyfriend and I went through 3 years of long distance while he was in college. He is now graduated, and living 5 minutes down the street from me. :)
5. I live at home. I rotate between my (divorced) parents houses.
6. I love vintage things. I love resale shopping, more than anyone should.
7. I adore Andy Warhol. I have been to his museum twice and his grave.
8. I think I was born in the wrong era. I should have lived in the 60s and 70s.
9. I love elephants. They are the cutest animals ever. I love going to zoos. I love anything with an elephant on it.- jewelry, clothes, figurines. you name, I want it.
10. I absolutely cannot wait to get married and have kids.
11. I am Catholic.
12. I am a vegetarian- who sometimes eats seafood. - I know. technically that is a pescitarian, but I dont like that word. If your interested in giving up meat you should really watch Food Inc., and read Alicia Silverstones cookbook: The Kind Diet.
13. I love being ecofriendly and try to be as organic, natural and kind to the environment as I can. - I post lots of stuff on Twitter about various things going on with the environment/animal rights- you should follow me! @VeronicaaaV

And this would be my little brother

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Boyfriend Shirt

This outfit is from a few weeks ago when we were in the middle of moving. We were at the new house and I realized that church started in twenty minutes and I had nothing to wear at the new house except for winter clothes or the shorts and tank top I had on. So due to some fast thinking on boyfriends part we came up with this outfit. Its not the best thing I've ever worn to church, but it was definately better than not going at all. Plus, I like the outfit. I had these pants and belt at the new hosue and boyfriend let me borrow an extra shirt he had in his car. What would  I do with out him?? :)

Lola decided to be in these pictures.

What I wore:
Shirt: Boyfriends
Pants: F21
Belt: F21
Shoes: Steve Madden
Earrings: American Egal

Thank you everyone for your suggestion on getting rid of clothes. We are having a garage sale next week, so Im trying to weed out as much stuff as possible, especially since I have to figure out how Im going to pay for nursing school now! Im going to be on a very very  tight budget.

Also, thank you to my new followers!!!
<3 you guys!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


This skirt cost me less than a dollar. Thats what Im talking about people.
I love thrift stores. I cannot get enough of them. I could spend hours walking around searching for buried treasures. I usually end up spending too much. Its hard to turn something down when its only a dollar. But dollars add up to lots of dollars. I've realized this while cleaning out my closest recentely. I have a lot of crap. I have clothes from high school (4 or more years ago) that that fits poorly and is out of style but for some reason I can' t part with. I have my "skinny" clothes from when I lost weight 2 years ago but have since gained some of it back, so that section of my closet is currently being ignored. I have a TON of stuff from thrift stores. Some of it is stuff I love. Some of it is stuff that I like, alot, but only wear it once or twice and I hang on to it questioning if I will ever find the right time to wear it again. Or, some of it has not even had its glory day and is patiently waiting there to be worn. The bottom line is I have had a hard time cleaning out my closets and deciding what I should keep and what I should give away....

Do you have any suggestions??
What is your criteria for getting rid of clothes?

What I wore:
Skirt: thrifted
Tank top: Target
Belt: F21


I got accpted into NURSING SCHOOL!!!!
I start in January!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011


For boyfriends birthday we went out to dinner with his family at el Olive Garden. You seriously can never go wrong at that place. Except maybe by eating too much. Its fantastic.

Here is what I wore:
Dress: Target
Belt: Thrifted
Bracelett: F21
Rings: silver: James Avery, gold: vintage

Look at that amazing cake I slaved over. Its from a box.
Boyfriend also got his own apartment. So its pretty cool.

BIG NEWS TOMORROWW!!!! check back!

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Bow Tie

HeLLo Lovelies. Sorry I was gone. It was boyfriends birthday and we did quite a bit of celebrating. On Tuesday (the night before his birthday) we went out for dinner at one of his favorite resturants!

This is what I wore:
Dress: F21
Cardigan: Target
Necklace: Hugasponge over here on Etsy

Monday, September 19, 2011

Lazy Dayz... I wish.

Today I am still sick... but I had school, work and a million errands to run.
Good News: I turned in a nursing school application today! and I got free pizza at work!
Bad News: I still have to write a paper thats due tomorrow.

Because of my busy busy busy schedule, here are some random pictures off my phone from the last few weeks!

On the way to my godbabys baptism!

The table at The Hobbit in downtown Houston. Loved the food!

This dress was on sale at Urban Outfitters: It was $40 dollars, originally like $120, but I still felt that $40 was too much to pay for a dress I didnt have an occasion to wear it to. But I love it. I still want it...

Photos of the moon from the moon at beach house a few weeks ago!

I hope everyone is having a great day and is less busy than me!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


My dog looks like he did something wrong:

Oh wait, I know. She is sitting on the table, where she is not suppose to be. and she knows it. But more importantly, how did she get up there??

The entire outfit is from Forever 21.

You can see my room is almost completely done!

Today I am sick and have a ton of school stuff to do and no one to take care of me.
So Im going to be sad and watch the Emmys and try to feel better.
I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Friday, September 16, 2011


Im not sure if you knew this, but the Missoni for Target line came out on Tuesday, and fashionistas across the countries stormed the stores to get it. I was one of them. Okay, correction, I did not storm the store. I stopped by midday to check it out, but there were grown women running through the store with shopping carts looking for it. It was a sight to see. I giggled a lot.

Here is a sneak peak at my cart:
I ended up getting several things, most of which I ended up having buyers remorse and Im going to return it. But I decided to have my go at the Ebay world and try and sell the shoes I got there before returning them.  So it you are interested in the suede pumps in the picture about (under that fabulous coffee cup) let me know and I will send you the link!

This is what I wore on Tuesday when I stormed Target:

What I wore:
Top: F21
Undershirt: F21
Pants: F21
Shoes: Target
Earrings: homemade from Etsy  (it came as a free gift with purchase!)

The back of the shirt had gold buttons all the way down, which is the best part in my opinion, but sadly, my mom is no good at taking pictures.

This is the adorable detailing on the front. unfortuanately the bows never stay where I put them.

The one of the only benefits of working nights is getting to see the sunrise when I leave! :

I hope everyone has a great Friday!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

And so it goes....

And so the craziness continues....
I have an application due on Monday, and Ive been running around like a crazy person trying to get everything done for it, on top of my already busy work/school schedule.
Im ready for a much needed break.

I want more date nights like the one we had the other night:

and I want more time so I can dress better than this stunner right here:

and Im just about ready for a new job

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Busy Week!!

This week is crazy insane, so expect fewer posts. One of my MAJOR applications are due next Monday, so Im scrambling to get everything together for it. Sorry dolls. Say some prayers for me please. I need them. My days chalked full to the max, so I need the energy and strength to get through them. I also have to take TWO tests that go towards my application. and I need to do super good on them. So please think good thoughts for me.

In other news, me and boyfriend had a fabulous time on a date yesterday. We went to Tookies!! Which is an iconic burger joint in Seabrook. It was ruined by the hurricane a few years ago and it just reopened! Its amazing. Then we walked around Kemah taking goofy pictures. It was lovely. Unfortunately the pictures are on boyfriends camera.

Instead here are some random pictures from my phone from the last week:

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Maroon 5

Boyfriend just bought tickets to the Maroon 5 concert that is in 2 weeks!!! IM SO EXCITED! Maroon 5 is one of my favorite bands (along with Death Cab for Cutie and Band of Skulls to name a few) and I've already seen them three times. The first time was way back in the day when they were opening for John Mayer! how crazy is that! This time they are comming with Train and Matt Nathansen. I love them. (Marry Me anyone??) So, naturally when I got the text from boyfriend that he got the tickets, I started thinking of the most important question, what to wear? This is what I want to wear, but since my big announcement in my last post, this will not be happening. But hopefully Ill be able to find something with the same feel in my closet. If you have any suggestions of what to wear to a concert that will be outdoors, at night in Houston TX with the heat and humidity, let me know!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

What I Wish

Yesterday I decided to do something bold. I decided that I have lots of pretty clothes, and not enough time to wear them. I also came to the same realization that I do every two weeks: Im broke. So to kill to birds with one stone (METAPHOR! I would NEVER do that! comeon people!) I have decided that  I am not going to go shopping for a month. So boys and girls, that means that untill October 9th, (since I decided this yesterday) I will not buy ANYTHING - clarification- no clothes (new or used or online) no jewelry, no shoes, no purses. I am also going to try my hardest to not wear anything twice (except pants/shorts, because I dont have many of those). So I hope that you enjoy this little journey that I am taking. (PS- I totally plan on possibly buying something at Target on Tuesday- which Im not counting in my not buying rule. Its only for a limited time and Missoni. Missoni gets to break the rules.)
Also - Its September. In case you live under a rock. And in most places that means that the temperatures drop. I live in Texas. Its hot. Its still in the upper 90s.... It wont cool off here untill the  end of October maybe November. While would be awesome, except that I love cool weather! (NOT snowy icey weather) but cool, wear a sweater weather. And unfortunately we barely get that here. So untill then, here is what Im wishing I was able to wear 24/7. (This is also what I wish I could go buy! but because of the afor mentioned paragraph I cannot). Something comfy and easy, cuddled up on a couch reading a book and drinking a Pumpkin Spice Latte (Clarification: with pants on, and maybe boots. not in the fashion of Missus Emma Watson). Instead, Im still stuck with Iceed Coffees. Its still too dang hot for hot drinks. And that means that while most of you will post pictures of your adorable fall outfits, I will still be in summer gear, untill the temperatures cool down.

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